How to Store a Frosted Cake

Have your cake and store it too! Whether you made a cake and need to save it for a later date, or you want to make your leftovers last, we’ll teach you how to store a frosted cake to maintain freshness.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

How to Store a Frosted Cake – Whole, Uncut Cake

A whole cake that’s been frosted and not yet cut can be stored at room temperature for 4 to 5 days. Cover the entire cake with a cake container or a large bowl. If you need to keep the whole cake for more than 5 days, put it in the fridge in a cake storage container. You can also let it cool for 15 minutes in the fridge until the frosting hardens. Once the icing is hard, cover it in plastic wrap and return it to the fridge.

How to Store a Frosted Cake – Cut Cake

Cut cakes dry out faster than uncut cakes. To prevent the cake from losing moisture, cover the cut edges with extra frosting or a piece of plastic wrap. Store in a cake container or under a bowl for up to 3 days. After 3 days, move the cake to the fridge in a cake container or follow the above directions and store it with plastic wrap.

Store Your Baking Equipment with SecurCare

Blenders, food processors, kitchen-aids, you name it! We’ve got room for it all at SecurCare Self Storage! If you need to store your baking materials, look no further than SecureCare. We have storage units that are safe for all your baking and DIY project pieces. They’re clean and secure, too, with on-site managers and 24/7 security cameras. (Just don’t store actual food in our units)! If you have questions, you can chat with a friendly manager online anytime! Or, come on down and say hello at one of our local stuff storage locations! Until then, happy baking and cake-making!

Check out more tips to keep your food fresh:

This post was written on 11/14/2019, it was updated on 11/15/2021.

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